Chatbot turbo: How Streetbuzz catapults customer communication to the next level with AI (German only)
On-demand webinar (available anytime)
How Streetbuzz uses an AI chatbot in two online shops in three different languages, automating an average of 3,000 conversations per month, thus relieving customer service and saving resources.
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Speakers in the panel:

Sophie ist seit mehreren Jahren Customer-Success-Managerin bei moinAI und kümmert sich darum, dass Unternehmen, die einen KI-Chatbot einsetzen bestens betreut und unterstützt werden. Sie kennt alle Tipps und Tricks, die man braucht, um mit einem KI-Chatbot erfolgreich zu sein.

Philipp Lorentz ist Head of Sales bei der Streetbuzz Distribution GmbH. Zu seinen Aufgaben zählt auch die Betreuung des KI-Chatbots, den Streetbuzz in den zwei Online-Shops Maxiscoot und Scooter Attack einsetzt. Im Webinar wird er live aus der Praxis berichten und authentische Eindrücke, Insights und Learnings teilen.

After participating in the webinar, you will know everything you need to know about the following points:
- Why an AI chatbot? The reasons why a 24/7 chatbot channel and automation are so important
- Self-service digital solution: Automate recurring customer inquiries with a digital assistant
- multilingual service: How the AI chatbot is used internationally and helps customers in French, German and English
- Omni-channel presence: How Streebuzz always offers a suitable point of contact in both online shops (Maxiscoot & Scooter Attack) using an AI chatbot
- Relief in customer service: How the AI chatbot automates 27% of all incoming inquiries — thus significantly relieving customer service
- AI Deep Dive: How independent learning is possible based on artificial intelligence and what is really intelligent about chatbots
- Reduce AI complexity: How moinAI was able to implement an AI-based chatbot with little effort
- Learnings and next steps: How Streetbuzz's AI chatbots are being extended to other use cases