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moinAI in the media
Find out more about the latest news, articles and podcasts about moinAI
Chatbots in customer service: more than just chatting | Die Presse
Conversational AI, chatbots, and voice assistants represent a transformational process that is sustainably changing the way we gather information and manage knowledge – explained using moinAI's chatbots.
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Three Hamburg startups that are shaping the future with AI and language | Hamburg Startups
The focus here is on three companies - including moinAI - that are taking off with their combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and language technology.
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"With this trick the team gets the work done in four days" | Impulse
All our permanent employees work 32 hours a day, four days a week. To make this 4-day week possible, we consistently rely on automation - more on this in the Impulse article.
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“Live chat widgets with AI: chatbots for your own website” | heise online
Nine chatbot providers from Germany and Austria compared on – of course, moinAI can't be missing.
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