AI chatbot for a better conversion rate (German only)

In the case study, find out how the VELUX Group is going its own way, with an AI chatbot focused on marketing and sales, which supports users while searching for information instead of during the customer service phase.
From the start, the AI chatbot was able to answer 72% of all user inquiries. This not only leads to increased customer satisfaction, it also increased the number of marketing-qualified leads and sales-qualified leads. moinAI thus converted 42% of the inquiring users already during the learning phase. This was partly due to the fact that users were and still are very committed and motivated when it comes to communication with the chatbot.
Learn more results and important Keys to success in the case study.
* VELUX's Online Sales Organization (OSO) also uses moinAI. The difference: VELUX OSO uses the AI chatbot for pre- and after-sales customer support in various online shops (across Europe) with the aim of reducing live chat volumes. Click here for VELUX OSO case study.
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