AI chatbot in finance: Flatex shows how it works
On-demand webinar (available anytime)

moinAI bietet mit der Möglichkeit, mit allen offenen Themen und Punkten einen freundlichen Mitarbeiter zu kontaktieren, einen sehr guten Kundenservice. Das Hub ist sehr einfach, zu handhaben und die Implementierung eines Chatbots ist unkompliziert und kostengünstig.
How Flatex uses an AI chatbot to achieve maximum impact in acquiring new customers and reducing support workload with a low investment.
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Speakers in the panel:

Frederik Schröder ist Experte für Chatbots & KI. Seine Mission: Das Potenzial künstlicher Intelligenz für Unternehmen nutzbar machen. Dies tut er in seiner beruflichen Praxis mit Kunden und im Rahmen von Vorträgen & Webinaren, in denen er das Potenzial von KI und Automatisierung anhand von Praxisbeispielen erlebbar und nachvollziehbar macht.

This is what you can expect in the webinar:
Pascal Maroldt (Project Management Manager at Flatex), Isabel Ehebrecht (Project Manager at Flatex) and Frederik Schröder (Managing Director moinAI) use Flatex best practice to show how an AI chatbot can be used in finance — thus relieving the burden on the customer center despite growth and increasing the conversion rate.
After participating in the webinar, you will know everything you need to know about the following topics:
- Communication tools of the future: Why AI chatbots meet customer expectations and chat is THE communication channel for 2023.
- Service relief via chatbot: Relieve customer centers despite customer growth and reduce overall volume and fluctuations in inquiries.
- Acquiring new customers with an AI chatbot: How is increasing website conversion and improving user experience promoted?
- From FAQ to AI: How artificial intelligence can be trained based on the most frequently asked questions.
- Reduce AI complexity: How moinAI was able to implement an AI-based chatbot with little effort
- Learnings and next steps: How the Flatex chatbot is extended to other markets and use cases and which points need to be considered.