How American Express is using an AI chatbot to improve the customer experience and win more new customers (German only)
On-demand webinar (available anytime)

Wir haben super Conversion-Ergebnisse erzielt von einer Conversion vom Chatbot zum Lead von 6% und einer Conversion vom Lead zum Neukunden von 30%, was im B2B Finanzdienstleistungsbereich eine wirklich gute Conversion-Rate darstellt!
Time is money — and thanks to an AI chatbot, American Express directly saves both: Using an AI chatbot, a 3-digit number of new customers were generated within six months. The clear focus is on the holistic optimization of the conversion rate — from the landing page to the completion of the application.
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Speakers in the panel:

Frederik Schröder ist Experte für Chatbots & KI. Seine Mission: Das Potenzial künstlicher Intelligenz für Unternehmen nutzbar machen. Dies tut er in seiner beruflichen Praxis mit Kunden und im Rahmen von Vorträgen & Webinaren, in denen er das Potenzial von KI und Automatisierung anhand von Praxisbeispielen erlebbar und nachvollziehbar macht.
After participating in the live webinar, you will know everything you need to know about the following points:
Using the American Express practical example, Frederik Schröder (moinAI) and Mark Pflaumbaum (American Express) show how an AI chatbot can be ideally used in the financial sector — automating customer communication and thus automatically answering recurring questions and increasing the conversion rate.
- AI as THE communication trend of 2023: The reasons why artificial intelligence is making the decisive difference for excellent customer communication, especially in 2023.
- American Express Best Practice: Mark Pflaumbaum shows live in the webinar how AI is being used in marketing & sales by Amex to increase the conversion rate.
- Digital self-service solution: With a digital assistant, automate recurring customer inquiries in seconds and thus optimize the customer experience.
- Finance industry templates: For the most relevant use cases and standard topics based on over 20 practical examples from the financial sector.
- AI Deep Dive: How independent learning is possible based on artificial intelligence and what is really intelligent about chatbots.
- Learnings and next steps: Mark Pflaumbaum shares his previous learnings and shows what you should consider when introducing an AI chatbot