On Demand Webinar
AI chatbot in publishing: This is how FAZ successfully uses a chatbot (German only)
On-demand webinar (available anytime)

Es hat sich gezeigt, dass Paywall-User, die den Chatbot nutzen, eine höhere Abschlusswahrscheinlichkeit haben. Der Chatbot funktioniert also als Unterstützung im Verkauf gut.
Benjamin Regitz
Senior Manager Digital Business
How FAZ automates recurring service requests with an artificially intelligent chatbot and achieves 18% click conversion in the chatbot.
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Speakers in the panel:

Benjamin Regitz
Senior Manager Digital Business
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Frederik Schröder
Managing Director
Frederik Schröder ist Experte für Chatbots & KI. Seine Mission: Das Potenzial künstlicher Intelligenz für Unternehmen nutzbar machen. Dies tut er in seiner beruflichen Praxis mit Kunden und im Rahmen von Vorträgen & Webinaren, in denen er das Potenzial von KI und Automatisierung anhand von Praxisbeispielen erlebbar und nachvollziehbar macht.
In collaboration with:
After participating in the live webinar, you will know everything you need to know about the following points:
- Why an AI chatbot? The reasons why a 24/7 chatbot channel and automation are so important — particularly in publishing.
- AI Deep Dive: How independent learning is possible based on artificial intelligence and what is really intelligent about chatbots.
- The 3 steps to an AI chatbot: How an intelligent digital assistant can be successfully implemented in practice.
- Best Practice Frankfurter Allgemeine: The webinar shows how FAZ optimally uses an AI chatbot on subscription shop pages.
- Digital self-service solution: Automate recurring customer inquiries with a digital assistant — that's how it works.
- Automated lead generation: In this way, a chatbot can convert website visitors into subscribers.
- Diverse problem solver AI chatbot: Reduce the cancellation rate on the paywall, inform interested parties, solve service questions.