What is a human takeover?
If a chatbot doesn't know what to do or answers a user's question incorrectly, it can be handed over to a human using a so-called “human takeover.” This is possible either directly in the chat, i.e. from chatbot to live chat agent, or by forwarding a user's request to a stored service email address. Either way, it is very easy for users and service team, especially the combination of chatbot and Live chat provides seamless and quick transitions.
How can a human takeover be triggered?
During a human takeover, the AI chatbot escalates the user's request to human employees in the company. This can be done in two main ways:
1. The user's request can be forwarded directly via chatbot → The support employee receives an email with the user's request
2. The chatbot transfers the request to the live chat → The support employee can answer directly in the live chat system
What are typical “human takeover” sceanaria?
A human takeover can be triggered by answering an intelligent query or a feedback question from the chatbot in the negative. Takeover is also offered when the chatbot receives a question that it doesn't understand.
Two examples of how a takeover can be triggered:
1. Ununderstood answer
The chatbot receives a question that it does not understand or does not match any of the available answers. For example, the user asks the question “Do you have a green apple for me?” The chatbot responds with a so-called fallback message.
What is a fallback message? A message that the chatbot plays when it doesn't have an answer to the question asked is called a fallback message. We recommend making a fallback message as appealing as possible. If the chatbot is unable to provide the right answer, alternative topics should at least be offered. A simple “I don't have an answer to that.” usually annoys users. It is better to communicate to the user that there is no answer to this question yet, but that the user can choose between other, perhaps suitable alternatives — or that they can contact a person through the said human takeover. The Human Takeover can be offered, for example, using a button and an emoji:”🙋 Transfer to employees“.
To start the takeover, all the user has to do is click on the button in question.
There are now two options for redirection: Live chat or email.

Human Takeover via email: In the human takeover process, the chatbot queries the user's email address, which is then sent as an email to a stored email address together with the original user request. The team can then answer the request separately with an email to the user's specified address.

Human Takeover via live chat: If a company uses a live chat tool in addition to the chatbot, the transfer to a live chat agent is possible in the same chat window (widget). Here, too, the user must enter their email address in advance, and then the chatbot transfers it to a live chat agent who can engage in the same conversation. The user therefore does not have to repeat their request; it is directly available to the chatbot agent. If the live chat agent has answered the question correctly, the conversation can be transferred back to the chatbot by the live chat agent. The human takeover via live chat is usually the most pleasant for the user, as there is no need to switch to another communication channel and can therefore be communicated without media disruption.
Behind the scenes, i.e. from a customer service perspective, the human takeover looks like this:
2. Negative feedback question
For example, the chatbot receives the question: “Where can I find the nearest train station?” The answer is the answer text on “How to get there” stored in the hub and then the Feedback question: “Was I able to answer your question? “, which is answered in the negative with the “No” button. The chatbot then offers other answers and forwarding the message as options.
To trigger the takeover, the user selects the “forward” button. The human takeover can now be carried out either via email or directly via live chat.
Why is a human takeover via live chat particularly useful?
Direct transfer to a live chat employee is particularly beneficial in many ways. If the chatbot did not hand over the customer request to an employee, but instead pointed out to the customer the various ways in which he can contact the service team elsewhere, the effort for the customer would increase, as he would have to leave the chat and search for an alternative contact option himself. Conversely, this usually also means more effort for the service team, as the customer's new request has not yet been pre-qualified and may require further inquiries.
Is a human takeover compliant with data protection regulations?
In principle, a human takeover should only be initiated with the user's consent. It may happen that the user reveals personal data about himself during a conversation with the chatbot. On topic Data protection To be on the right side, it is possible to have the user accept the terms of use and data at the beginning of the handover to an employee, as is the case with moinAI. As a rule, however, a human takeover does not differ from customer inquiries made via the website, an email or a phone call under data protection law.
Human Takeover: Chatbot and human as an ideal duo
Passing on a request from a chatbot to a person can be very handy. It confirms that AI chatbots are by no means intended to replace people, but are only intended to support them in their daily work. The chatbot can take on first-level support requests and thus relieve the service team. However, if the chatbot comes across a topic that should be better dealt with by a human, a human takeover should not be held onto the chatbot by crooked or broken, but a human takeover should be initiated. Chatbot and human thus form the perfect duo for optimal customer communication. You can find more information about in which situations a chatbot can be used and when a person should rather take care of a request in our article”What can a chatbot do?”.
You can also learn more about the chatbot as an innovative and scalable communication channel in our ultimate chatbot guide.