The 5 most important tips for a successful chatbot

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About this guide

The use of an AI chatbot in customer communication is worthwhile both for companies and for customers. Why Because an AI chatbot automates communication processes at companies and at the same time provides customers with a smart 24/7 service. So far, so good, in theory. But what makes for a good chatbot? So that you know what to consider when it comes to a successful chatbot, we have summarized the 5 most important tips.

1. Chatbot tip: Relevant and helpful answers

Before a chatbot is used in communication, companies often have doubts about user acceptance of a chatbot. “Do my website visitors even want to use the chatbot? ”, “Does my target audience like talking to a machine? ”. The clear answer is that website visitors or the target group definitely want one thing: helpful and relevant answers to their questions and concerns. Who the relevant answer comes from is actually void. What counts much more is that the user receives a helpful answer at all. That's why a chatbot stands or falls with the topics and answers it has mastered.

It is therefore important that a chatbot really masters the topics that are important to your users and provides adequate and well-formulated answers to them.

2. Chatbot tip: Appealing chatbot persona

You can't say it often enough: A chatbot should be presented exactly as it is. Namely as a digital assistant. A chatbot cannot and will not replace a person. To avoid confusion among website visitors in the first place, it is important to communicate from the start that it is not a live chat with a person, but a chatbot/digital assistant. However, this does not mean that the bot's identity should be machine-like or unapproachable. It is ideal to give the chatbot a name and create an appealing avatar. This makes the bot more approachable, likeable and personal for website visitors.

In the case of, companies can easily edit their avatar and color scheme with an editor so that the chatbot definitely matches the corporate identity.

The different types of chatbot personas

3rd chatbot tip: fallback messages and human takeover processes

Not all concerns can be answered by a chatbot, especially when it comes to emotional and complex inquiries, it makes sense for a human employee to address the issue. So if the chatbot receives a user request that it cannot answer, it is important that the chatbot's AI recognizes this and offers a suitable fallback answer. In this answer, it can be communicated, for example, that the chatbot cannot help with this issue, while then suggesting other topics that are just as relevant and with which the chatbot can help. If the suggestions from other topics do not match, it is important to offer the user an opportunity to contact a human employee. If the chatbot hands over the conversation to a human employee, this is known as a human takeover. The process in question should be as user-friendly and uncomplicated as possible.

It is ideal if the user stays in the same chat window and continues the conversation with an employee there in accordance with the context. offers interfaces to live chat systems such as Zendesk or Hubspot, so that a barrier-free transition to live chat is easily possible in the same chat window and context.

Human Takeover: The chatbot human handover via email or live chat

4. Chatbot tip: Insight into KPIs and performance

What is it called so beautifully? Measure what is measurable, make measurable what is not measurable. Automating communication processes using a chatbot and offering users added value at any time is a great thing. But it is just as great to analyze how well the chatbot actually performs. The interaction between users and chatbot should be monitored continuously in order to identify exactly which topics the chatbot is good at and which questions are still lacking.

In the so-called hub, live insights, user feedback, level of automation and many other KPIs can be viewed at any time, which provide a good overview. The special thing about is that the AI also independently suggests topics that it does not yet know, but which are apparently relevant to users. This feature is called dreaming. You could learn more about the hub and dreaming here experienced.

Overview of a chatbot's KPIs

5th chatbot tip: Omni-channel deployment and easy integration

The chatbot should be a good fit for your communication and channel strategy. If your company receives a lot of customer messages, especially on Facebook, then care should be taken to ensure that the chatbot is also well played out on Facebook. And speaking of “well played” — before a chatbot can be played out, it must be integrated into the company's website, Facebook account and, if desired, into the company's CRM system. Many people shy away from this technical integration. In the case of, however, there is no reason to worry, because the integration of the chatbot is by no means a mammoth technical project. The integration code is just a two-line text and can be integrated with Google Tag Manager, for example. More detailed information about the integration can be found in our Help Center (Widget Integration) on top of that.


If you do it right, only a few things can go wrong when integrating chatbots into customer communication. To guarantee a quick and optimal live process, has created an agile project process. This project process is a kind of roadmap that companies can use to launch a successful chatbot step-by-step and without much effort.

If you would like to know more about how would work in your customer communication and would like to know more about the integration and implementation, feel free to schedule a free appointment for a product demo. One of the chatbot experts creates a mock-up suitable for your use case, gives you a product tour, an overview of the features and, of course, answers all your questions. To do so, simply click on Book a demo.

Alternatively, you also have the option of creating a chatbot on your own that fits your own use case. It works very simply and is done in four steps:

Happier customers through faster answers.

See for yourself and create your own chatbot. Free of charge and without obligation.