Service Excellence - How Unilabs helps their patients 24/7 with a digital assistant
On-Demand-Webinar (jederzeit abrufbar)
Learn how Unilabs shaped the future of their digital customer communication in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in this exclusive webinar
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Speaker:innen im Panel:

Charlotte is responsible for developing and unifying the customer experience as well as building, driving and maintaining a strong service culture. During the live webinar, she will explain how recurring questions in customer service can be answered automatically by a self-learning chatbot.

Meike is the Chief Editorial Officer from cmm360 and interviews pioneers and leaders on topics such as customer experience management, customer service or sustainable customer loyalty and customer relationship management - in short she cares about everything you need to successfully create a comprehensive, relevant customer world!

Frederik Schröder ist Experte für Chatbots & KI. Seine Mission: Das Potenzial künstlicher Intelligenz für Unternehmen nutzbar machen. Dies tut er in seiner beruflichen Praxis mit Kunden und im Rahmen von Vorträgen & Webinaren, in denen er das Potenzial von KI und Automatisierung anhand von Praxisbeispielen erlebbar und nachvollziehbar macht.

What you'll learn during the Webinar:
- Why an AI chatbot? The reasons why a 24/7 direct chat channel and automation are so important in customer service
- The "3 steps" to an AI chatbot: How an intelligent digital assistant can be successfully implemented in practice.
- Best practice Unilabs: The webinar shows how Unilabs uses a best-practice AI chatbot on their websites to provide excellent service for their patients.
- Digital self-service solution: Automate constantly recurring customer enquiries with a digital assistant and reduce support costs by 25%.
- AI Deep Dive: How self-learning is possible based on artificial intelligence and thus more and more requests can be automated.
About the companies:
Unilabs is one of Europe’s largest diagnostics companies, offering a complete range of laboratory, pathology, and imaging services to patients all around the world. A leading digital champion covering the full diagnostic spectrum, Unilabs’ 12,000 employees save lives every day.
Unilabs invests heavily in technology, equipment, and people, using digital technologies across its state-of-the-art laboratories and imaging institutes to improve the lives of close to 100 million people every year.
In the webinar, Charlotte Calemard from Unilabs will provide insights into practice and explain how constantly recurring questions from patients can be automated so that customer service staff is sustainably relieved and can focus on complex and more relevant concerns.
cmm360 - CRM & CX is a neutral and cross-thematic platform that deals with the design of successful and sustainable customer relationships in the digital age. The Magazine and Platform for Managers of Sustainable Customer Relationships is focused on providing insights about CRM & CX.
moinAI is the self-learning AI chatbot solution for digital customer communication of companies. No matter if marketing, sales or customer service - moinAI is the automation solution that helps to react quickly & efficiently to customer requests 24/7. What makes moinAI so special is its ability to learn on its own. AI & NLP enable the chatbot to evolve on its own and understand complex requests.
Numerous companies have optimized their customer communication with moinAI. The bandwidth of use cases ranges from first level support to marketing campaigns up to e-commerce strategies, etc. However, one thing is true for each of the mentioned use cases: the impressive KPIs resulting from automation.